
How’s Business?

By Michel

“So How’s Business?”

That’s a question I enjoy asking the many small business owners I come in contact with each week. Most of the time I get something like, “good, good, although it could be better”. I have come to learn that most business owners are eternal optimists. They are builders of their own future, captains of their own ship and perennially confident that around each corner is a new opportunity for freedom, financial security and an opportunity to make a difference.

This blog is about innovative marketing solutions to help Entrepreneurs, Start-up Founders and Real Small Businesses Owners grow their companies by improving their top line revenue. We’ve all seen the get rich plan on the internet promising tens of thousands of dollars per month if you’ll only spend $399 and execute some over-hyped money making scheme. This blog is not aimed at that type of virtual business model. After spending much of the last 30 years working in and supporting small businesses around the country, it seemed to me that there aren’t enough resources on the web dedicated to brick and mortar companies trying to grow their revenue in tough times.

Instead, The Small Business Marketing Showcase will focus on great marketing ideas, concepts and tactics currently being executed by small businesses every day with minimal investment and great results.

We will evaluate main street tactics such as radio, print and local cable advertising along with web 2.0 channels such as websites, blogs, email, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and YouTube. Here you will also find reviews of new marketing products, marketing aids and techniques along with innovative ideas on how to reinvent old approaches to marketing, sales and customer prospecting. The goal is simple. We will try and provide clear, straightforward tips and suggestions that can be put into practice immediately with the goal of quickly seeing positive, measurable marketing and sales results.

The information on the Marketing Showcase will be presented in many forms:

  • Blog text, Research, Opinion and Stories of other successful businesses,

  • Video Interviews and Reports,

  • Best Practice Analysis,

  • Product Reviews and Assessments,

  • Return on Investment Analysis.

So, although this isn’t a blog about how to get rich quick, it is our objective to help you take your current business to the next level, and that should mean more prospects, more sales, happier customers and eventually more dollars in your pocket. We think you’ll agree that the combination of materials, reviews, assessments, and research can produce a significant Return On Investment for our loyal readers and fans.


Mike and Team

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Categories : Mission/Purpose


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